Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Laundry Thoughts

So normally I HATE folding laundry. I will shamefully admit I have been known to leave loads of clean clothes in the dryer til we've practically worn them all... or left a clean load in a basket until its nearly empty because we've picked through it for several days to find what we need. (Pathetic, I know.) But a few days ago as I was folding a "white" load, the most dreaded of all loads, I couldn't help but smile as I began folding some new pairs of Nate's socks. You see, I recently bought Nate some new socks for back to school. All summer long he's stuck to his flip flops except on Sundays so I've rarely folded socks for him over the past several months. Also, I've recently been getting excited about our new baby boy and have been buying 0-3 month socks for teeny tiny feet. Seeing these 2 sizes side by side made me realize that every mother before me has been right. Time flies too quickly when the kids are small. It is so bittersweet. It's been fun to see Nate off to school and realize what a "boy" he has become. But there's still a part of me that misses the baby in him. It is slowly disappearing day by day as evidenced by his new BIG SOCKS!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Sneaky Emma

A few days ago I walked into Emma's room and this is what I found.

She was sneaking a 16 oz sprite, sipping away on her bed while watching cartoons.

When I got out of the shower this morning I walked into the family room to find this...

She had moved on to BIGGER and better things...a 2 liter of orange soda, chugging away while watching cartoons.

Should I be worried??

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Last First Day of School post...I promise

In my never ending (and impossible) attempt at being the "perfect mom" I had the great idea to have Nate return home from his first day of school to freshly baked homemade cookies. Unfortunately, I also jam packed my day full of things I was looking forward to getting done, "with only one child." Emma and I were out and about all day and never had time to step foot in the door, much less bond over our idealistic cookie making. Add to that the fact that I realized I have no kitchen aid (my go to machine for cookies) much less a hand mixer in this furnished apartment, so there was no chance of real home baking because I will be the first to admit I'm too modern (or stubborn, or spoiled) for hand mixing! So instead, we bought these delicious pink sprinkled sugar cookies and devoured them with milk and a side order of conversation of how the big first day went. All in all we were all pleased.
So I may never win an award as mother of the year, but don't you just love those so-not-good-for-you pink pretties?? I do.