Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Laundry Thoughts

So normally I HATE folding laundry. I will shamefully admit I have been known to leave loads of clean clothes in the dryer til we've practically worn them all... or left a clean load in a basket until its nearly empty because we've picked through it for several days to find what we need. (Pathetic, I know.) But a few days ago as I was folding a "white" load, the most dreaded of all loads, I couldn't help but smile as I began folding some new pairs of Nate's socks. You see, I recently bought Nate some new socks for back to school. All summer long he's stuck to his flip flops except on Sundays so I've rarely folded socks for him over the past several months. Also, I've recently been getting excited about our new baby boy and have been buying 0-3 month socks for teeny tiny feet. Seeing these 2 sizes side by side made me realize that every mother before me has been right. Time flies too quickly when the kids are small. It is so bittersweet. It's been fun to see Nate off to school and realize what a "boy" he has become. But there's still a part of me that misses the baby in him. It is slowly disappearing day by day as evidenced by his new BIG SOCKS!


  1. Just wait until both your boys are wearing the same size. Oh yes, it will happen all too soon. Because I had many boys wearing the same size, two dilemmas occurred. I was forced to mark their socks with their initials. Boy was there a lot of murmuring about that solution. Comments like, "Mom, it's so embarrassing to have initials on your socks!" Dennis was the brunt of the second dilemma. His sock drawer was raided on Sundays.
    Andrew complained about my ability to remove stains from his football uniform. He stopped bringing it home because his teammates were making fun of how clean his uniform was.
    Am I complaining? Yes! I miss filling up the washer 10 times a week!
    I still have wrinkly loads too.

  2. I agree its way too fast. My boys are growing and I don't even remember that first year. Also Averie is huge. When did that happen. So crazy.
