Back in July, we had a visit from the Wilson family. Christy, Ryan and their 5 kids drove 2 days from Kansas for a week at the beach with our crazy clan. Needless to say, we had a blast. There were lots of wave jumping, boogie boarding, sand castle building, sand hole digging, late night swims, settlers games, movie watching, cousin bonding, treat eatings, rollyup makings, and Pizza Hut dine-ins.
But after the visit, I was a little sad because in all the fun, I forgot to take ANY pictures.
However, about a month later I was downloading pictures off of our OLD camera and I found these gems. (Emma had apprently been playing with the camera with Mia, and they seemed to capture quite a bit of the fun. I'm apologizing NOW to Christy! Love you!!)
How fun that they came so far for a visit. That's awesome they have 5 kids. Its been so long since I've seen Christy. I think your wedding was the last time maybe. 8 kids all under one roof must have been so fun. And Hello Julie your baby got so big all the sudden. I can't believe he is crawling now. Such a cutie. Hope your doing good!